Why Donate?

  • What we know: Compared to the general population, musicians are three times as likely to suffer from mental illness. When faced with conditions like anxiety and depression, it’s paramount that musicians understand how to tune into their mental well-being.

  • What we’re doing: Sound Mind is empowering musicians to hold space for themselves and practice vulnerability. Through our workshops, podcasts, and virtual gatherings, we make room for musicians to check in with themselves and one another.

  • How you can help: You can help us continue to emphasize a culture of compassion by donating any amount towards our organization.

Your tax-deductible gift of any amount will allow us to:

  • Showcase diverse lived mental health experiences by engaging esteemed musicians and mental health professionals

  • Create spaces for community building through our workshops, podcasts, and virtual gatherings

  • Spread mental health awareness by prioritizing outreach to young musicians, professionals, and everyone in between

    Sound Mind is the pioneering US-based organization dedicated to cultivating mental wellness in the classical music world. Whether you donate towards our organization or share our mission with a friend, you’re helping us provide resources that break down the stigma in our community.